Woman and Child

Woman and Child 536 536 Sybille Sciamma

Photo Sybille Sciamma

Sam Jinks, Woman and Child, 2010. Collection de l’artiste
Exposition HYPERREALISME, Ceci n’est pas un corps, Musée Maillol, Paris, 2023

This hyperrealistic piece of art
felt to the contrary very surreal

The old woman’s body
seemed to float in space
her feet covered
by her long white gown

Looking fragile
in her under-sized scale
she holds the baby tenderly
against her chest

Her head bent
seized by the sacredness
of this new life
she is forever still

The eternal grandmother
the know-it-all Old Woman
in her duo with the child
embodying the cycle of life*

*Inspired by Clarissa Pinkola Estès, Women Who Run With the Wolves

Photo Catherine Baudelot